CBD Research

Research & Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials within Treatment using Cannabinoids

The healing abilities of cannabis have been used for ages. Actually, more than 20% of the US-made medication was based on cannabis in the early 20th century until it was banned in 1937 due to the psychotropic effects of some of the cannabinoids. Today cannabis is reintroduced in medication and so far, it has been legalized in 46 countries (as of 2021).

In this section, we present an overview of the clinical trials behind CANNASEN® CBD products together with findings from other research on cannabinoid-based treatments.  The information is intended for both the general customer and professionals. While we work hard to keep these pages updated and precise, we cannot make any claims regarding the veracity or totality of the data included. An investigation into cannabis and cannabinoids within treatment is continuous and our comprehension of its numerous potential advantages keeps on coming on a daily basis. However, we hope you will find the information beneficial and encourage you to deepen your understanding of the capabilities of this plant.

Properties Of Cannabis

Cannabis has broad medical applications and can positively affect physical and mental health.
Understanding the chemistry and biology behind it will help you understand why its range of application is so broad.



Since the endocannabinoid system is engaged in homeostasis regulation, and highly interrelated with other systems in the body, medical application of cannabinoids is being constantly researched.

To this date, there is scientific evidence for the therapeutic value of cannabinoids in a multitude of disorders, including some of the most debilitating and financially burdening diseases in the world: psoriasis, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, pain, and others. This list is likely to grow, as any disorder marked by abnormal cell division, impaired metabolism, weakened immune system, or affected brain activity is potentially eligible for cannabinoid therapy.



The healing properties of cannabis are due to the plant´s ability to produce chemical compounds called cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids are responsible for the therapeutic and psychotropic properties of cannabis. Phytocannabinoids share similarities to endocannabinoids- it is to say, cannabinoids produced in the human body (ANA and 2 AG). By now, we know of 144 varieties of cannabinoids, which offer different treatment possibilities. Each cannabinoid has a different effect – and combining cannabinoids with other active ingredients can increase the effectiveness of diverse treatments.



The ECS is a complex system made up of cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids and enzymes. The endocannabinoids produced in our body help regulate and balance many processes in the body.

Researchers did not know about the specific manners of working of the ECS until the in the early 90s.  Now we know that ECS has a crucial role and some characterize it as the most important neurotransmitter system in the body. It plays a key role in a number of processes such as, among others, mood, memory, motor control, immune function, pain perception, appetite, sleep regulation and bone development. The ECS is similar to software that runs your internal processes, whereas the software is the neurotransmitters in the nervous system, the hormones in the endocrine system, and the cytokines in your immune system.



For more than 6000 years humanity has actively documented their use of cannabis for medical purposes. The first evidence for medical usage of cannabis comes from the world’s oldest pharmacopeia – Pen-ts’ao ching.

But it was not until 1860 that cannabis’s safety and its analgesic and sedative properties were acknowledged throughout Europe and North America. Despite decades of safe usage of cannabis in medication, the Western world adopted hostile legislation against cannabis back in 1937, when “The marijuana Tax Act” was enacted in the U.S. This development was followed by the United Nations (UN). As a result, more than 2000 cannabis medicines were taken off the shelves.

Pre 1937 at least 280 pharmaceutical companies produced medicine with cannabis attributes, which at that time equalled for more than 20% of the total share of medicines. Cannabis remained illegal until the 1972 amendment where the movement towards decriminalization occurred – a change in sentiment that became the foundation of today’s medical cannabis.

In 2018, WHO concluded that CBD is well-tolerated with a high safety profile in humans and animals.